Name: Calf thymus DNA
CAS: 91080-16-9
Purity: 0.99
Packaging information: 100g; 500g; 1kg; 5kg; 25kg
Calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA) is a natural DNA widely used in the study of DNA binding anticancer agents and DNA binding agents, regulating DNA structure and function.
The thymus of calves, fish sperm, and plant seed embryos contain abundant DNA and can be used as good materials for DNA extraction. Deoxyribonucleoprotein from animal and plant tissues is soluble in water or concentrated salt solutions (such as 1mol/L sodium chloride solution), but its solubility is low in 0.14mol/L salt solution, while ribonucleoprotein (RNP) is soluble in 0.14mol/L salt solution. This property can be used to separate deoxyribonuclein from ribonucleoprotein and other impurities.
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